
August 15, 2010

Ingame Commands

This guide will explain important commands and how they work.

Basic Commands:

/help - shows you a full list of commands

/noctrl - auto attack without pressing ctrl key

/where - shows your locatio: (map): x-coord,y-coord

/organize PARTYNAME - creates a party.

/leave - leave a party

/expel CHARACTERNAME - kicks that person from your party

/guild GUILDNAME - creates a guild. Requires 50 Emperiums

/breakguild GUILDNAME - disband a guild

/effects - disables the graphic effects (usefull for slow PCs)

/ex CHARACTERNAME - blocks whispers from that person

/ex - shows you a list of all persons you have blocked

/in CHARACTERNAME - unblock whispers from that person

/inall - allows whispers from anyone

/exall - block whispers from anyone

/notrade - rejects trade offers automatically

@ commands:

First of all I will explain how to use the ingame database for items, mobs, their drops and their locations. Therefor you will have to use @ commands.
Combine those commands and you won't have to check databases on other site:

@mi MOBNAME - Mobinfo: show monster info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff)

@ii ITEMNAME or ITEMID - Iteminfo: shows item info (type, price, etc)

@whodrops ITEMNAME or ITEMID - shows who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rate)

@whereis MOBNAME - shows in which maps a monster normally spawns at

Other @ commands:

@go - shows you a list of all predefined locations in major cities (@go 0 - warps you
to Splendide)

@warp - warp yourself to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (find out choords with

@commands - displays a list of @ commands available to the player

@who2 - shows you a list with the names of all characters online

@storage - opens your storage

@gstorage - opens the guild storage (if you are in a guild)

@mail - opens your mailbox

@auction - opens auctions window

@whosell ITEMNAME or ITEMID - helps you to find a vendor

@autoloot ITEMNAME or ITEMID - enables/disables autolooting from killed mobs

@deleteinventory - DELETES all items in your inventory. Use it at your own risk!!!

@di - Same as @deleteinventory

@time - shows you the server time

@showdelay - shows/hides the "there is a delay after a skill" message

@changegm PLAYERNAMEINYOURGUILD - change Guild Master of your Guild

@changeleader PLAYERNAMEINYOURPARTY - change the leader of your party

@exp - displays current levels and % progress

@rates - displays the server rates

@away YOUR MSG - sends this msg automatically to people who PM you

@noask - autorejecting deals/invites

@hominfo - shows informations on your Homunculus

@showexp - displays/hides Experience gained

@me YOURMSG - displays the text as a normal message with the format "*YOURMSG*"

@memo - saves a warp point

@storeall - store all your items

Duel organizing @ commands:

@duel PLAYERNAME - sends a duel request to that person

@invite PLAYERNAME - same as @duel

@accept - accept a duel request

@reject - reject a duel request

@leave - leave a duel


ALT+q - opens your equipment window

ALT+a - opens your stats window

ALT+s - opens your skill window

ALT+e - opens your inventory

ALT+c - opens a chat room

ALT+g - opens a guild window (if you are in a guild)

ALT+y - opens your party window

ALT+h - opens your friends window

ALT+l - opens the emoticon list

ALT+m - opens your personal shortcut list

ALT+p - opens your party setup

ALT+z - opens the command list

ALT+F10 - toggle chatwindow on/off

Other useable keys:

F12 - toggle Shortcutwindow 1, 2 and 3 (you can place usuable items and skills there)

[Print] or [Scroll Lock] - makes a screenshot and saves it in yourEKROfolder/screenshots

Special "Battlemode" (not for noobs):

/bm - sets you in Battlemode (essential for PvP fights on a high level ):

allows you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 2 by pressing Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O

A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L keys allow you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 3

Y,X,C,V,B,N,M,;,> keys allow you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 1

Press the space bar to Chat when in Battlemode

Source From Demetatron

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